Facebook announces changes….again!  But this time you will want to listen up. This will likely impact all users of the social media platform in one way or another.

Read Mark Zuckerberg‘s message to Facebook users here.

Facebook is working on stripping out some of the junk that’s been populated and trying to create more value within their system. We all need to work on building on what we really believe here at REAL RELATIONSHIPS! Build your community and peel back the curtain on your business! This will mean the following for businesses:

  • You need to be more intentional. Spend time delivering to your customers what they need…not how it will benefit you.
  • Develop Facebook groups that serve your community.  (Read more about the new one we are launching here at Grow Real Companies!)
  • Money spent on Facebook Ads and boosts will need to increase. It’s really important to remember that this kind of advertising is very inexpensive and if you do it well it can pay off.
  • Make sure you remind your fans that they need to set your page to SEE FIRST status. This will ensure that they get see what you are providing!

Remember social media is here to BUILD relationships with family, friends, and clients.  If you need help please feel free to chime in on our Facebook page or right here in the comments.

Check out our Grow Real Companies video chocked full of great tips and some info about what we do.

Mary Lu Saylor/South Office for Grow Real Companies



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