How is YOUR customer service?
If you live in Auburn, Indiana, and you frequent the drive-thru at McDonalds for that ever popular Egg McMuffin, then you likely know Bob. Bob is the epic example of REAL customer service – over and beyond. As you drive-thru and place your order, Bob recognizes those people that he has created REAL RELATIONSHIPS with by greeting them! He even knows if you have not placed your “normal” order. Bob makes it a point to know as many people as possible during his morning shift. When you arrive at the window to pay, Bob really has made it a point to get to know you. You are greeted with a big smile. You would never know that Bob has been awake since the early morning hours, he has to deal with all sorts of customers from grumpy, tired, happy, stressed and the like. But when you are at that drive-thru window – you would think you are his only customer. He has something special to say to you, maybe humorous, maybe asking about a family member, maybe briefly telling you something that lets you get to know him better. He is quick, prompt and keeps on task while making everyone feel pretty special. I’m not a morning person, but Bob’s smile is a welcome greeting any morning of the week. Bob could likely find all sorts of things to be grumpy about, a fast food drive thru likely does not always come with a lot of gratitude, appreciation, happy customers, etc.
So what is the point of this story …………………………………Bob is REAL! There is no way he can fake this magnitude of epic customer service. He really cares about the people coming thru the drive-thru and invests his time in getting to know the majority of them.
What if each of us were like this in our businesses? What if we spent time, regardless of whatever is going on in our business and our lives, and invested quality time in getting to know people. I think we just might have a REAL customer service explosion ………………………………. people love to know how much you care. They love to know that you really care about them and their life without any further expectations. You see, Bob does not own McDonald’s. He is not gaining any extra points to invest time in getting to know you. Hopefully, he at least gets Employee of the Month from time to time because he deserves it. You better believe that if this guy worked for me – he would know just how much he was appreciated by everyone. What Bob does receive is the happiness and peace of knowing he has a lot of people that care about him as it is evident as they frequent the drive-thru and get to know him and spread joy to him as well. When you mention Bob’s name in the community – people know him as that incredible guy at the McDonald’s drive-thru window! I would guess that Bob leaves work each day knowing that he has not only done his job to the best of his abilities, but that he has made an impact in the lives of many. Perhaps he has brightened the day of people going thru very painful or stressful situations and he was just the smile or word of happiness that they needed that morning. We all need positive and joyful people in our lives…………………Bob is doing his job well!!!
Let’s all learn a lesson from Bob at McDonald’s in little Auburn, Indiana. Get out there and no matter who you come in contact with and no matter what you are going thru……………………. treat people with REAL significance. Get to know them. Invest in them. Show them you REALLY care! If they become your customer great – if they never do it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have shown them REAL joy, care and concern and that is the absolute best goal you can attain. These are TRUE blessings!
Be the “Bob” in your business or the business your work for!
Until next time,
Tracy Barse
ps. What ONE THING can you do to be more like Bob?
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